Simply Joy. WOD: 05AUG13 Skill: Bear Complex 100 Burpees for time.....3, 2, 1...GO! Posted by CrossFit MICLIC at 14:38 &. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook& ...
주한미군 2사단은 8월 14일 경기도 포천에 위치한 Rodriguez 실사격 훈련장 내 영평사격장에서 지뢰제거전차 ABV(Assault Breacher Vehicle)를 공개했다. 이날 공개행사에서 ABV 전차는 전방의 지뢰매설 의심지역을 전차에 장착된& ...
WOD: 10AUG13 Skill: Muscle Up 8RFT 400m Run Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Side note: As CrossFit MICLIC gets ready to deploy, daily posts may not always occur. Contact crossfitmiclic@gmail.com for the WOD if you& ...
WOD: 11AUG13 12 min cap..all unbroken, if you drop, 5 burpee penalty on the spot. 20 WB (20/14) 20 PU 20 Shoulder to Overhead (105/75) 20 KBS (53/35) 20 FS (145/95) Done in team of 4. Each team member must wait for& ...
Simply Joy. WOD: 05AUG13 Skill: Bear Complex 100 Burpees for time.....3, 2, 1...GO! Posted by CrossFit MICLIC at 14:38 &. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook& ...
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